Positively pining for spring

Isn't this the cutest little pineapple
you've ever seen?
I dislike winter a lot, and one of the things that helps make it slightly more bearable is a little bit of winter gardening. So when I was walking through Kroger last night, I found this miniature pineapple and immediately knew it was time to do something I've had in mind for years: Grow my own pineapple! This miniature variety, I reasoned, would be perfect in that it would take up less room in my kitchen. It makes an attractive indoor plant as it grows, and after only about three years, I'll get another (tiny) pineapple.

Possibly this isn't the most efficient use of limited indoor garden space, but such considerations have never stopped me before. After all, I'm the lady who has a lime tree growing in her kitchen. I get a few limes per year out of it, so in maybe another 10 years it will have paid for itself.

I also planted a tiny crop of lettuce in an indoor window box. I'll post pictures when the seedlings become more photogenic.

How do you get through winter? (Anyone living in a warmer climate need not answer; I do not like you!)


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