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Vietnam Brought the War Into Our Living Rooms. Now, We Hold War In Our Hands.

Photo by  Piero Nigro  on  Unsplash How do you feel about seeing dead children in your social media feed? If Vietnam was Television’s War , this is Twitter’s War. It is not just in our living rooms. We carry this war everywhere we go. The current war between Russia and the West (it’s not just Russia and Ukraine, and if you think it is, you’re dangerously misinformed) is very different from every other war in history. We all hold a device in our hands that allows (nearly forces) us to watch this war in real time. There are dead and dying people in our social media feed, mixed in amongst the cat memes, recipes and mundane postings of our friends. The traditional belief was that dead bodies should not be shown. Many newspapers had policies against it. I ignored that policy several times when I became editor of my town’s daily, because I had come to disagree with it. So have many others.  “The whole world should know what is happening here,” Serhiy Perebyinis said in a March 9 New York Tim

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