The Liberal Experts are Out to Get You

Oh, no! Books that might 
challenge your views!

Here’s how to escape all those bad influences and get back to the Good Old Days

The world is full of bad influences, and it’s up to you to remain vigilant. Here’s how to keep you and your family safe.

Too Much Schooling

You can’t trust colleges, because they will indoctrinate your children. You know it happens, because you’ve seen kids come back from a year of college saying things you know they certainly never heard at your house, like support for those LGBTQ pervs.

As it turns out, you can’t trust even elementary school or high school, either. Your child may be exposed to any number of things you disagree with. They may tell your child how to avoid having a life-altering unplanned pregnancy, to give one particularly horrendous example.

Some so-called elites claim that education helps people better understand the world, but that’s definitely not the right explanation. It’s just that college brainwashes people.

The Lamestream Media

You can homeschool and discourage your child from going off to college, but that does not mean your child is safe, because the media is trying very hard to warp your child and, well, everyone. You cannot trust the traditional mainstream media, which is made up of professional journalists working at establishments with longstanding traditions and reputations. You can only trust the good media outlets. How can you know a media outlet is good? It’s often a newer website that no one had ever heard of until a few years ago. Look for one that says things the rest of the world’s media won’t. If it shares information on things like the dangers of chemtrails or 5G or windmills, you can certainly trust its views on politics. Look also for female anchors who are overwhelmingly young, leggy and blond. There is no good reason to get your news from women who are unwilling to diet and bleach their hair. Women who prioritize things like education over having their hair highlighted clearly have made poor choices in life and seemingly don’t understand the importance of living up to the lowest common denominator of male sexual desire and approval.

There are plenty of misguided idiots who claim you can be an informed citizen just by reading lots of different media outlets. But the only way to really know what is going on is to confine your media intake to one or two solid outlets. Find one or two that you find most soothing and which never say anything that challenges your beliefs, and read everything they put out. You are obviously super smart, so if you agree with everything they say, you know they’re right. 

The Evil Internet

So obviously, protect your children (and yourself!) from all these things. But it’s not enough, because today there is also the insidious Google. You may have attempted to explain a simple concept, such as why masks are a threat to your personal freedom, to a libtard on the internet. That person probably immediately shared links to scientific studies he or she found using Google. Of course you didn’t click on these links and read the items, because you already understand that Google is a subversive source. The libtard tried to tell you that Google is merely a search engine, not a source, but you immediately blocked that person, who was trying to threaten your entire world view. Good for you!

UnGodly Scientists

This one flew below the radar for a long time. A lot of us blindly trusted our doctors. Now, of course, we know better. It should not have taken us this long to understand that anyone who has willingly attended college for enough years to become a doctor or scientist has got to be full of dangerous ideas. 

You can see this in the way scientists, doctors and researchers continue to attempt to force us to do things like wear masks and social distance. I don’t believe a word they say, and you shouldn’t, either. The good news is, by taking lots of vitamins, drinking herbal teas, using essential oils and, most of all, by trusting the healing powers of prayer and faith, you will never get sick, and if you do, it’s probably a sign that you were not right with the Lord. (Are you secretly gay? I would be suspicious of anybody who got sick even after diffusing oils everyday. Or maybe you skipped taking your Vitamin D one day; it could be either one.)

It’s frustrating to see so many young people who you know for a fact grew up in good families (maybe even yours!) lost to the Other Side. It’s infuriating when they unfairly use things like facts, studies and experts to fight against the Right. Our small towns are suffering as our young people are lost to worldly pursuits, rather than staying in their wholesome communities where they grew up amongst people just like them. Once they have finished college and gone off to live in the big city, chasing big bucks and ignoring their families, they tend to collect even more ideas and to accept all kinds of Other People as normal. Some end up spending time in Foreign Countries, and then they bring back even more dangerous beliefs, such as support for socialized medicine, parental leave and other commie evil.

Just listen to the way these kids talk when they come home for the holidays (if they come home at all — the Chinese Virus is the latest excuse for them to stay away from family get-togethers, which used to be one of the best times for you to try to counteract their dangerous ideas). They claim they changed their beliefs because they became educated, when it’s obvious they’ve just been brainwashed. They blather on about how education and science and worldliness will open your mind. It’s heartbreaking that they cannot understand how wrong they are.

If we want to save our children, we must keep them from the world, which is trying to “progress” even though it’s obvious things were better Before. I know there’s some disagreement on how far back we should go to get to the best of the good old days. Some of you favor the 1950s, but I personally think we had it right in the Middle Ages, when we could simply burn or stone suspicious people who threatened the social order with new ideas.

The good news is, we’ve succeeded in convincing a good percentage of people not to trust experts, facts, studies or science, and now we are thankfully beginning to regress. The 1950s are coming, and after that we shall keep right on regressing until we reach perfection.


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